Sunday, July 17, 2011

Preparing For Destiny

He would tug at my heart, sometimes whisper softly in my ear or just allow me to feel his presence as I sat. No matter how, when or where; I knew it was the Lord. It wasn’t something I could easily explain away, this was real. I knew it was Him even when I acted as if nothing was going on I could still feel him pulling on me, He seemed so determined to get my attention. I kept hearing him say to me there is a place called purpose, destiny and He was calling me there. I thought (Destiny) where is destiny? How will I get there? Where will I start? Oh my God, the questions I had for the one who was calling me.
I may not have known the answers to all my questions but I understood there was a place in him just for me, a place he wanted me to get to.
I had no good reason not to go where it was He was trying to get me to but at that time I couldn’t, there was so many other things going on, so many other people speaking in my ear. I just couldn’t allow myself to focus just on what I thought God was saying. Though I knew it could be no body but Him; yet my own foolish thinking still wouldn’t let me be certain, not only that; I was distracted by fear of the unknown; always listening to other people and their opinions while also convincing myself that I couldn’t possibly be hear God. I found myself over and over again saying, “God is it really you calling me, little old me?” “God what on earth would you want me for?”
After all, I was so use to being rejected, cast aside, no one ever picked me, God are you sure? Why in the world would God as awesome as he was and is want any part of me and for Kingdom work at that, what was so special about me that He would create for me my own place in him, come on; I thought this has got to be a joke.
Purpose, destiny that created place, special made just for me, his chosen one. That place he assigned to me even before the foundations of the earth. He was speaking to my heart, sharing with me the specifics of destiny in terms of my very own life. Finally I began to open up and receive what I already knew in my heart was real.
The more I listened the more he began to share. He told me how much he loved me and how no matter what had happened in my life he had something great just for me, he began to speak to me about my pain and past hurts about those who had rejected me, those who had forsaken me  and how he allowed that to be so, because it was all planned by him for my good. He told me how he was with me even back then and how he would never leave me, nor forsake me but would be with me always, how he wanted me and longed for me to give him my all, he just kept saying,” come on I have a prepared place for you.” At that moment I felt special, I felt loved and cared for.
Yet I knew to be with him I had to forget about all the things I thought I knew, and all the things that had been said to me, this was for real, a sure thing and I really wanted to be a part. I finally took heed, I wanted that special place and it all began with Him; the Creator, the one who was calling me, the one who had chose me.
I took the hand of  the one who knew me, who knew my makeup, my personality, my heart and emotions, the one who knew the real me. He alone knew where my destiny was and what it would take to reach that place.
 I began to focus on him and what he was really offering, my heart began to open up and receive without doubt that all this time he really was talking to me; after all he was a great big God of love who had no respect of person. He loved me enough that he would talk to even me. Hand in hand we began walking I started leaning more on him, acknowledging him in every situation as I took each step towards destiny, though still not understanding all that he has for me nor everywhere he is trying to take me, I trust Him to get me to that place. Daily I find myself seeking him now even more, striving each day to get closer and closer to Him and each and everything he has for me. I have to get there; I long to get to my special place in him.  
 It’s so awesome how God wants the best for us all that he would desire to have us in his space that he would design something so great for us, set it aside and make it ours, that special place.
Just like with any place we are going to, we have to prepare for it, I had some baggage I had to leave behind and some folk I had to let go, (some were family and so-called friends) This thing was new to me but He let me know it could no longer be business as usual, I had to make some serious changes. I found out that there were some things I just could not do anymore. It just wasn’t allowed, I had to change my mind, equip myself by putting on the whole armour of God, I had to live daily by His rule book (Holy Bible) My entire life had to change if I wanted to reach this place, It was no longer about me, but about the one who chose me.
I want to please Him now more than ever have before. He has truly become my all and all. After being put down, let down, taken advantage of and then to have someone who lifts you up, encourage you, and is always there for you; who in the world wouldn’t serve a God like this. He is awesome and since I’ve taken hold of  his hand I am more determined than ever to be in the place he has for me, in fact as I write I’m yet searching and pressing day by day to get to my place in him because it’s a daily walk.
It’s not a place that I will reach over night, me and God are walking this thing out together and he is feeding me daily, ministering to my spirit, loving me unconditionally. I love him so much and can’t imagine him not being a part of my life. I believe there is a place in Him for every born again believer that he has especially for that individual, their special place.
It’s funny though because after being in Church for over 30 years going from one church service to the next, listening to one sermon after another, not to mention prayer line after prayer line I look back now and I always knew there was more.  I knew it wasn’t just about going to Church yet there are people in Churches all over the world dancing, praising God, preaching, singing in the choir yet unfulfilled, having a place in the church but not in God.
Don’t get me wrong I believe we are suppose to be a part of a local assembly but it’s not about how much we go to Church, it’s about God, it’s about positioning ourselves to go where he has destined for each one of us. It’s not about pretense and position in the Church but it’s about being real with God and being in the right place in Him, that special place called destiny, purpose.
I’m so grateful to be a part of His Kingdom to be on the road to my destiny, my special place in Him. Every day is special and though some days are met with challenges, frustrations and all the other things we endure that makes up life it’s all good because I’m on the road with the one who holds the plan and the blueprint for my life and everything I face as I travel this road will turn out fine because he already knows the end of the video. My destiny is in his hands. 
I don’t doubt now that my entire life he’s been saying, “follow me, for I know the plans I have for you, plans for well-being and not for trouble, too give you a future and a hope.”
Beloved, do you feel a tug at your heart, a soft whisper in your ear, or maybe just a sweet spirit in the room; it may just be the call; your call to that special place, your call to destiny.

Annie M. Jamison
February 13, 2010

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A New Heart

God won’t just repair our old dirty heart. He says, “He will perform a complete transplant, cleaning even the crevices of our hearts where we have allowed things to build up and never dealt with it. Things which have caused our heart to be full of pain that we try to ignore yet God knows it’s there. He promises to take the old stubborn heart away and give us a “brand new heart”
Some hearts are beyond repair at least that is the conclusion that doctors have come to when dealing with individual cases yet there is this thing called the heart transplant. Well that’s in the natural but the same is true spiritually; the only way we can live a life pleasing to God (the way life is suppose to be) is to allow God to give us a fresh start through Him.
God exchanges the old for the new. He gives us a spiritual heart transplant, we begin to see and feel things differently than we did before. Not just a different attitude but a brand new life.
Don’t settle for a heart repair job, when God can give a whole new heart filled with HIS LOVE, A PEACE THAT IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION AND A JOY THAT WON'T DISAPPEAR EVEN IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLES.....ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE A HEART!!!!
Scripture Reference: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel36:26

Anne WritingismyMinistry Randall

Monday, June 27, 2011

Good afternoon........TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, and a TIME to every purpose under the heaven. A TIME TO WEEP, and A TIME TO LAUGH; A TIME TO MOURN, and A TIME TO DANCE…..Know the season that you are in and realize that wherever you are God has you there for this specific time for a reason, HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE’S DOING and remember, it’s not always for you but it may be for that co-worker, family member, friend etc. You are in the right place at the right time!!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Let me encourage you today to JUST TRUST GOD, no matter what the situation looks like. First of all you are ALREADY BLESSED, you are ALREADY PROSPEROUS, the way has ALREADY BEEN MADE…….your needs has ALREADY BEEN MET. God does not want you to pray and then worry….He wants you to pray believing that you have what it is you pray for BUT the key to it all is His timing. He knows when you, me or any of us can handle that thing we’ve been praying for, so just sit back relax and be confident in the fact that He has heard your cry and there is nothing else for you to do but WAIT ON THE LORD.  You never know, today may just be the day!

Friday, June 24, 2011


For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8) Though many people think they are who they are because of their own goodness or their great abilities, some think they have arrived, they have it going on; nothing and no one can tell them anything, but the reality is that, none of us are where we need to be. We are no better than the next, none of us are perfect yet we as children of God are all striving or should be striving to get to that place in Him. Scripture states: All of us have become like one who is unclean, and ALL OUR RIGHTEOUS ACTS ARE LIKE FILTHY RAGS; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind OUR SINS SWEEP US AWAY. Isaiah 64:6
 We are who we are because of God's grace and His mercy. No, we are not where we need to be but the flip side of that is we are not where we use to be. (GRACE AND MERCY) We mustn't boast or brag as if it’s all about us,  yet once God has freed us we can't dwell on the wrong we have done either, nor should we dwell on the difficulties we may face in our daily walk, we must look beyond all of that and look at the great person we are becoming. We are always in the process of becoming like our Creator (Christ) And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect His glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2Corinthians 3:18
 Little images of Christ are what we ought to aim for. When people look at us they should see characteristics of our Father. He must increase and we decrease; John 3:30 A child of God should be humble not full of pride; The proud looks of man shall be brought low, and the haughtiness of men shall be humbled, and the LORD alone shall be exalted. Isaiah 2:11
 Let us pray to be bendable, pliable, and moldable so that we will be more like Christ in all that we do. May the Lord be exalted in our lives!!!!!

Anne WritingismyMinistry Randall

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just When You Think It's All About You

A man told about dreaming of standing before the judgment seat of Christ. There on a table were all types of crowns, but in the middle was a huge crown decked out with jewels, by far the most beautiful of all.
He stood there and thought, “THAT MUST BE MY CROWN, for I have won millions to Christ.”
Finally an angel called his name and picked up a small crown right next to the big one for him. The man stopped the angel and asked if he knew who he was and that he had won millions to Jesus.
But the angel said, “Yes, but this is the right crown.” HE WAS SAD AND A LITTLE DISTRAUGHT OVER RECEIVING A SMALL CROWN.
Then A LITTLE ELDERLY WOMAN’S NAME WAS CALLED out, and she went up to have the large, BEAUTIFUL CROWN PLACED ON HER HEAD. So the evangelist immediately wanted to know who she was, and the angel said, “THIS IS THE WOMAN WHO PRAYERFULLY PRAYED FOR YOU.”
*I wonder just how many of us with our fancy titles and degrees who are always in the spotlight for all to see think the same way as this man did*
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: (1Cor. 12:22-24) Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked.

Anne WritingismyMinistry Randall

Sunday, May 22, 2011

SEE what GREAT LOVE the FATHER has LAVISHED ON US, that we should be called CHILDREN OF GOD! And that is what we are! The REASON THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW US is that IT DID NOT KNOW HIM. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and WHAT WE WILL BE HAS NOT YET BEEN MADE KNOWN. But we know that WHEN CHRIST APPEARS, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM, for we shall see HIM as HE is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as HE is pure. 1John 3:1-3

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Monday, April 25, 2011


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
Spending time with God is a vital necessity of the believer’s life and should not be something we do every now and then; it and should be at the top of our morning list. Just as we feed our physical man daily, we must daily feed our spirit man. If there is a calling on your life you cannot do it effectively if you don’t stay in the presence of God. Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6
God is not happy with us when we make Him second or third place in our lives.
He wants to be first in our lives and He deserves to be first in our lives. When we are desperate enough and it’s something we really desire from God; a healing, a financial blessing, a new car, or a new house, we will get in His face, we will even turn down our plates to get that blessing. Well that’s not the only time we should get in His presence, we should seek God daily just for who He is and because we love Him. He wants us to make Him Lord of our lives from the beginning of our day until the end. PUT GOD FIRST TODAY!!!
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

Anne writingismyministry Randall

Saturday, April 16, 2011

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so THE LORD GOD will cause RIGHTEOUSNESS and PRAISE to SPRING FORTH  BEFORE ALL THE NATIONS. Isaiah 61:11

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Believers if you have ever been bound by anyone or anything then you know how good it feels when God makes you free and how important it is to stay that way. We can be bound by people, by things, by tradition etc. You would be surprised the things that can keep us from operating according to the way God created us to.
God desires that His people be free in every aspect of their being {mind, body and soul}, He desires that we prosper, be in good health, He wishes this above all things…..We are God’s people and He loves us, and yes contrary to what some folk are teaching today, “we truly are His people” and because we are His, we must never let anyone else control our thoughts, our decisions, or our desires.
God has placed within us everything we need to do what it is He has called for us to do. God; Our Creator is who we are to go to for our answers. Yes, we are to submit to authority but in doing so we are not to lose ourselves or our connection to God. There is nothing wrong with following someone as long as they are following Christ, yet following and being controlled by that individual is two different things. When you are being controlled by someone, it’s nothing more than witch craft. Even in the body of Christ there seems be a cult mentality. People are being controlled, brain washed, manipulated, and just plain played and it’s really sad.
Believers we need to stay in our Word, get on our knees and seek the face of God for ourselves that we may know {My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6a}, in this last day what we are up against and how to handle these type things when faced with them. Once God makes us free we have to stay free, guarding ourselves, protecting our hearts, minds and being very careful of the things we allow to enter into our spirit. It’s very easy for us to become caught up in the same things that God freed us from. Things that may seem so innocent, even appearing to be sent by God, we must be cautious.
If God delivered you from an unhealthy relationship, it’s so important to be careful not to get involved in the same type relationships again, {satan uses the same tricks, just different people/things} certain jobs, churches, family members, etc. we must be careful, taking such things to God in prayer and waiting patiently on Him for an answer to move or not to move.
He, whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. {John 8:36} Believer’s once God makes us free it’s a must that we remain free. If we would simply walk after God’s Word nothing will entangle us yet if we walk contrary to His Word we will find ourselves in nets and snares once again.{Psalm 119:45}

Thursday, April 7, 2011


A HEART AT PEACE gives life to the body, but ENVY ROTS THE BONES. Proverbs 14:30

Envy is like Cancer, it eats away at people, destroys their well being including their physical health. It can be a miserable even spiritually lethal activity and can literally make one sick in mind, heart and body.
Envy brings with it “ROT” decay and pollution of the spirit. To be wise means to also be content; a wise person puts his/her trust in God’s will and provision rather than his/her own.
Let us learn to be grateful and appreciate what God has given to us without craving what others have.
Anne WritingismyMinistry Randall

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


STRONG WOMEN they’ve been knocked down but they’ve always gotten back up, and when they do they STAND on GOD’S WORD, in her heart and in her hand A STRONG WOMAN HOLDS on to HIS PROMISES.
Criticized but she yet encourages others, judged but she speaks not a word because A STRONG WOMAN knows that when you judge her you are...... really judging yourself. Persecuted by so-called family and friends, A STRONG WOMAN remains determined to live holy even if she has to walk alone and many times she does.
Rejected by those she loved but A STRONG WOMAN takes to heart what the Lord said, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Abandoned by those who should’ve protected her but again A STRONG WOMAN hears the Lord say, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." Many times A STRONG WOMAN gets tired and weary but she won’t bend, for if she did they would walk all over her so she LIFTS HER EYES unto the hills for A STRONG WOMAN knows her help is up above. She grabs hold of her strength that comes from the Lord, lifting herself up A STRONG WOMAN PRESSES on, HOLDING fast. A STRONG WOMAN never loses heart, A STRONG WOMAN is CONFIDENT that HE who has begun a good work in her will perform it until that day!
So don’t dare try to knock A STRONG WOMAN down because if she falls she’ll just get back up....Don’t try to feed her foolishness and lies because she’ll just STAND on TRUTH, she knows the PROMISE KEEPER.
Watch A STRONG WOMAN when she’s tired and her steps seem to be getting shorter you will find her somewhere waiting on the LORD to renew her strength; then you will see STRONG WOMAN mount up with wings as eagles; as she begin to take off and run again and this time she won’t get weary; STRONG WOMAN will walk and not faint, she will keep PRESSING AND PRESSING toward that mark.
You may not like STRONG WOMAN but you got to love her; and if you must go ahead and criticize her; reject her, but it’s truly your lost as STRONG WOMAN may hold your blessing in her hands she will take it with her as she moves on loving and encouraging others along the way.
She won’t give up, she won’t give in. Don’t be fooled STRONG WOMAN knows who she is and who she can be; THE STRONG WOMAN IS YOU AND ME!!!!

Written By AnneWritingIsMyMinistryRandall

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The debt for sin is no longer owed On one man’s shoulders God placed the load.
He accepted the call and His Father’s will Jesus loved us enough to pay the bill.
My saviour hung upon the cross Bled and died so none would be lost.
Though He could’ve come down He accepted the plan For each of us He took the ultimate stand.
Enduring tribulations, trials and pain It was only His blood that could clean sins stain.
For with His own life He chose to pay In a borrowed tomb He had to lay.
Separated from His father but didn’t complain He stood on the Word, He’d rise again.
In His father, He had placed His trust What a lesson He’s left for each of us.
Jesus knew there would be a brighter day His Father had already made the way.
He proved that day that in life there will be A little crucifixion for both you and me.
Just like Jesus, we will feel pain But hold to your faith for you’ll rise again.
What we go through is for our perfection After it’s all done comes our resurrection.
No matter in life what you must go through, He’s already took it to the cross for you.
A sacrifice no one else could give JESUS CHRIST DIED THAT WE COULD LIVE.

Written By Anne WritingismyMinistry Randall

Monday, March 28, 2011

When the enemy comes in like a flood,
      The SPIRIT of the LORD WILL LIFT UP A STANDARD against him. Isaiah 59:19b


Some folk think a BORN AGAIN BELIEVER (CHILD OF GOD) ought to be poor and walking around looking a hot mess all of their lives, but I don’t believe it’s in God’s plan that we be poor and living worst than anyone else. Nor does being a BORN AGAIN BELIEVER (CHILD OF GOD) mean we have to have a big house on a hill and five cars with access to a jet to fly us anywhere we desire to go. Lining the preachers pocket with your money or giving it all to the Church won’t gain you wealth and riches either.

Bottom line, being a BORN AGAIN BELIEVER teaches you to look at things in a new way and that’s what makes you rich. Having a relationship with Jesus makes you content with what you already have and the more you get of Jesus the less what you have matters.
Living in a nice big house, driving nice cars and wearing fine clothes is wonderful. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the finer things of life. However, to be deeply happy is really knowing Jesus and getting totally involved in what He is doing around you , in your life and in the lives of others. We need to get preoccupied with God’s plan for our lives.
If that isn’t where you are right now, don’t give up, God loves you no matter what state you are in; REPENT, go after God with everything you’ve got. Stop settling for the superficial happiness and make His work your passion. Use your energy to build His Kingdom, to touch the lives of people around you and you won’t even notice what kind of stuff you have or don’t have because then, YOU WILL BE CONTENT.
Scripture Reference: But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1Timothy 6:6

Sunday, March 27, 2011

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret Himself shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:3-4

Friday, March 25, 2011


YOU BELONG TO YOUR FATHER, the devil, and YOU want to CARRY OUT YOUR FATHERS DESIRE. He was a murderer from the beginning, NOT HOLDING THE TRUTH, for there is no truth in him. WHEN HE LIES HE SPEAKS HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

know thou the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake Him, He will cast thee off for ever. 1Chronicles 28:9

Monday, March 21, 2011


There was a documentary on TV on how Africans catch monkeys. Now a monkey is very intelligent, so the African had to do something to out think the animal. He first put a cage on the ground with a bright object inside it. The door to the cage was left open to tempt the monkey to go in. When he did, a trap was set on the door to cause it to close and catch him. But the monkey would not go into the cage.
So the Africans closed the cage and made wire around the cage just big enough so the monkey could get his hand in the cage. Now, when the monkey saw the bright object, he put his hand through the wire and grabbed it, but could not get it out of the cage. (With the object in hand he could not pull it through) HE COULD ONLY BE FREE IF HE WOULD LET GO THE OBJECT. The African then took a club and knocked the monkey over the head, and it died. Now, you would think that the monkey would have been smarter than that.
Many who are backslidden today are like these monkeys. THEY REACHED INTO THE DEVILS “CAGE” BY TAKING HOLD OF AN OFFENSE AND REFUSE TO LET IT GO. He is hitting them over the head with sickness, strife, and all types of family and financial problems. THEY HAVE GIVEN THEMSELVES OVER TO BITTERNESS, AND IT IS DESTROYING THEM.
ALL THEY HAVE TO DO TO BE FREE AND REMAIN FREE OF THE TRAP IS TO LET GO of hurts and wounds. GOD CAN HEAL AND RESTORE A PERSON IMMEDIATELY IF HE WILL FORGIVE OFFENSES AND REPENT OF BITTERNESS. Many folk have been hurt especially in doing Ministry and allowed that to build up. Then they quit, and just walk out on what God called them to do, but the only way to get pass it is to go to the one who has offended you, and ask them to forgive you. It’s the only way to true peace.
ANYONE CAN TAKE OFFENSE, get hurt, AND WALK OUT, but it takes a real man or woman of God to make it right. There is no Biblical reason to hold a grudge or to live in resentment. And there is every reason not to. MATTHEW 18:34-35 SAYS: And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In order to become showcases of  God’s GREAT POWER and SOVEREIGNTY in a world that seems to ignore HIM, we must learn to PRAISE HIM in innocent trust, and RELY on HIS STRENGTH in childlike weakness!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I WISH YOU WERE EITHER ONE OR THE OTHER! 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I WILL SPIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH Rev. 3:15-16

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Gal. 2:20

Sunday, March 13, 2011


A man told about dreaming of standing before the judgment seat of Christ. There on a table were all types of crowns, but in the middle was a huge crown decked out with jewels, by far the most beautiful of all.
He stood there and thought, “THAT MUST BE MY CROWN, for I have won millions to Christ.”
Finally an angel called his name and picked up a small crown right next to the big one for him. The man stopped the angel and asked if he knew who he was and that he had won millions to Jesus.
But the angel said, “Yes, but this is the right crown.” HE WAS SAD AND A LITTLE DISTRAUGHT OVER RECEIVING A SMALL CROWN.
Then A LITTLE ELDERLY WOMAN’S NAME WAS CALLED out, and she went up to have the large, BEAUTIFUL CROWN PLACED ON HER HEAD. So the evangelist immediately wanted to know who she was, and the angel said, “THIS IS THE WOMAN WHO PRAYERFULLY PRAYED FOR YOU.”
*I wonder just how many of us with our fancy titles and degrees who are always in the spotlight for all to see think the same way as this man did*
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: (1Cor. 12:22-24) Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

God gives us WARNING signs not because HE has nothing better to do but HE does it to STOP us, SLOW us down or maybe even get us to PULL AWAY from everything and everyone that we are focused on & SEEK HELP/ASSISTANCE from HIM the One who knows more about where we are headed than we do; PLEASE TAKE HEED when GOD sends WARNING SIGNS, they are given for GOoD reaSON!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NO TIME TO PRAY....And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 18:1

Lord I promise I will pray
I’m just too busy, no time today
Lord I love you and thank you too
There’s just no time, I have much to do.

I’m in a hurry I may be late
Lord praying will have to wait
I promise Lord, tomorrow I’ll pray
Forgive me Lord there’s no time today.

I broke my promise, tomorrow never came
For while I slept, He called my name
While slipping away, I thought I heard Him say
Come on my child, no more time to pray……

Written By Anne Writing Is My Ministry Randall

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God's Love

God’s love is so great, and it’s forever; nothing we can do will ever stop Him from loving us. We are royalty, His special people. We are so important to Him, (valuable). Now I say all that to say this, as valuable as we are to God and as much as He loves us and treat us as such; why then do we settle instead of waiting on the great things He has for us? We accept and tolerate so much in our lives that we as Kings and Queens shouldn’t give a second thought to.
A lot of times because we are in a hurry to receive we settle for whatever comes along first; job, house, car, friendships and relationships (especially relationships) all because it may look good or make us feel good for the moment (REMEMBER, just because it glitters don’t make it gold). We accept things out of relationships and friendships just to keep that person around, maybe thinking being connected to them is all there is to happiness. Well it’s not, because true happiness can only be found in a relationship with God. Having a relationship with the Creator is the only way to know who we really are, which will cause us to evaluate some things and conclude that we don’t have to settle because we truly can have the best in every area of our lives.
We are so precious to God, I mean He loved us so much that He gave all He had (His Precious Son) yet some of us settle for folk that wouldn’t give us the time of day and why because we forget how valuable we are. We should never be willing to give more of ourselves to anyone than they are willing to give to us.
Wait on God in everything because He has the best for you and me, He has already proven that He only gives the best. Don’t settle for anything when you can have everything, don’t settle for half a relationship when you can have a whole relationship/friendship, don’t settle for a house when you can have a home, don’t settle for a job when you can have a career.
We are valuable; don’t allow anyone to treat you any other way. People learn how to treat us by what we allow. Teach folk how to treat you!!!

Random Thought

The smaller the mind the greater the conceit!!
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit!!
Don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come to test you as though something strange were happening to you; but REJOICE inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ that you may be overjoyed when His Glory is revealed. IF YOU ARE INSULTED BECAUSE OF THE NAME OF CHRIST, YOU ARE BLESSED, FOR THE SPIRIT OF GLORY AND OF GOD RESTS ON YOU! 1Peter 4:12-14

Sunday, March 6, 2011

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death Prov. 14:12..... FOLLOW NOT MAN because in this day and time many are leading by their own intellect and not from the WORD of GOD. THE ONLY WAY IS GOD'S WAY!!

Friday, March 4, 2011


STRONG WOMAN she’s been knocked down but she’s always gotten back up, and when she did she STOOD on GOD’S WORD, in her heart and in her hand STRONG WOMAN HELD on to HIS PROMISES.
Criticized but she yet encouraged others, judged but she spoke not a word because STRONG WOMAN knew that when you judged her you were really judging yourself. Persecuted by so-called family and friends, because STRONG WOMAN was determined to live holy even if she had to walk alone and she did.

Rejected by those she loved and raised, (her very own siblings) but STRONG WOMAN took to heart what the Lord said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Abandoned by even her own mother but again STRONG WOMAN heard the Lord say, "When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take me up." Many times STRONG WOMAN got tired and weary but she wouldn’t bend, for if she did they would walk all over her so she LIFTED HER EYES unto the hills for STRONG WOMAN knew her help was up there. She grabbed hold of her strength that came from the Lord, lifting herself up STRONG WOMAN PRESSED on, HOLDING fast. STRONG WOMAN never lost heart, STRONG WOMAN was CONFIDENT that HE who had begun a good work in her would perform it until that day!

So don’t dare try to knock STRONG WOMAN down because if she falls she’ll just get back up....Don’t try to feed her foolishness and lies because she’ll just STAND on TRUTH, she knows the PROMISE KEEPER.
Watch STRONG WOMAN when she’s tired and her steps seem to be getting shorter you will find her somewhere waiting on the LORD to renew her strength; then you will see STRONG WOMAN  mount up with wings as eagles; as she begin to take off and  run again and this time she won’t get weary; STRONG WOMAN will walk and not faint, she will keep PRESSING AND PRESSING toward that mark.
You may not like STRONG WOMAN but you got to love her; and if you must go ahead and criticize her; reject her, but it’s truly your lost as STRONG WOMAN may hold your blessing in her hands she will take it with her as she moves on loving and encouraging others along the way.   
She won’t give up, she won’t give in. Don’t be fooled STRONG WOMAN knows who she is and who she can be; THE STRONG WOMAN IS ME!!!!

Written By AnneWritingIsMyMinistryRandall