Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Think about a compliment, praise, recognition you have received. Now think of the greatest insult someone hurled at you. One brought great joy, the other great pain; yet the tongue achieved both.
Our tongue has great potential for good as well as evil. People say things out of their mouths without even thinking about what they are doing to the individuals in ear reach. We must realize that we are responsible for the things we say. Just because we have a title, a license, a degree, doesn’t give us a free pass to kill the people of God.
I sat sometimes and I listen via television and radio to some of our well known leaders, then some of our not so well known (those striving to make a name for themselves) and some of the things I hear makes me wonder just who in the world are these people really trying to reach.
I’ve visited Churches where I’ve heard so called leaders stand on the pulpit and destroy God’s people with their tongue. The tongue is unruly and evil full of deadly poison which means it has the capability of destroying a sister or a brother; the words that we speak can win a soul or lose a soul. Words hurt and we wonder why nobody wants to hear what the body of Christ has to say. We have too many loose cannons operating in the body; too many men and women that have no discipline or self-control in how they speak, (especially in leadership).
James spoke about the tongue, he knew of its human frailty and our tendency to sin which makes it impossible to tame the tongue (James 3:8) yet the key to controlling the tongue is to keep watch over the source from which our words flow (James 3:11) A spring cannot pour both fresh and brackish water from the same opening, can it? What so ever is on the inside will come out. If we listen closely to what we say, we will find out just what our inner source is and that in turn will lead us to an understanding on how to tame our unruly powerful tongue.
I often wonder how many souls have been lost by just listening to the radio, watching television or just visiting one of our local Churches all just to hear what thus saith the Lord, instead the listener or visitor got hit with an unruly tongue.
God’s Princess aka Anointed Writer

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