Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Believers if you have ever been bound by anyone or anything then you know how good it feels when God makes you free and how important it is to stay that way. We can be bound by people, by things, by tradition etc. You would be surprised the things that can keep us from operating according to the way God created us to.
God desires that His people be free in every aspect of their being {mind, body and soul}, He desires that we prosper, be in good health, He wishes this above all things…..We are God’s people and He loves us, and yes contrary to what some folk are teaching today, “we truly are His people” and because we are His, we must never let anyone else control our thoughts, our decisions, or our desires.
God has placed within us everything we need to do what it is He has called for us to do. God; Our Creator is who we are to go to for our answers. Yes, we are to submit to authority but in doing so we are not to lose ourselves or our connection to God. There is nothing wrong with following someone as long as they are following Christ, yet following and being controlled by that individual is two different things. When you are being controlled by someone, it’s nothing more than witch craft. Even in the body of Christ there seems be a cult mentality. People are being controlled, brain washed, manipulated, and just plain played and it’s really sad.
Believers we need to stay in our Word, get on our knees and seek the face of God for ourselves that we may know {My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6a}, in this last day what we are up against and how to handle these type things when faced with them. Once God makes us free we have to stay free, guarding ourselves, protecting our hearts, minds and being very careful of the things we allow to enter into our spirit. It’s very easy for us to become caught up in the same things that God freed us from. Things that may seem so innocent, even appearing to be sent by God, we must be cautious.
If God delivered you from an unhealthy relationship, it’s so important to be careful not to get involved in the same type relationships again, {satan uses the same tricks, just different people/things} certain jobs, churches, family members, etc. we must be careful, taking such things to God in prayer and waiting patiently on Him for an answer to move or not to move.
He, whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. {John 8:36} Believer’s once God makes us free it’s a must that we remain free. If we would simply walk after God’s Word nothing will entangle us yet if we walk contrary to His Word we will find ourselves in nets and snares once again.{Psalm 119:45}

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